Home Inspection Austin | Home Inspector 507-721-3771
Why schedule a plumbing inspection?
Well, think about it like this: you handle preventative care for things like your health, your car, and your pets, right? Why would your plumbing be any less important? You require good water flow for washing, cooking, and care of your plants and lawn – or landscaping at work.
It makes sense to have a professional come in to evaluate the health of your fixtures and setup. You should also note too that:
1) A plumbing inspection can help your resale value. If you are thinking of selling your home anytime soon, that proof of an inspection can help when it’s time to determine the value of your home. Good plumbing means a valuable property since a new owner won’t have to do much to it.
2) Inspections can pinpoint potential dangers. If a plumbing mechanic spots an anomaly that could worsen into a more expensive problem, you can arrange for a fix that will save you lots of money and headaches down the road. To the trained eye, some things are better revealed – you may not see the same thing a plumber does.
3) An inspection could reveal places where you can save money or apply green practices to your plumbing setup. Remember that trained eye? What if a plumber came in and showed you how it can be fixed so your water and energy bills are reduced? That is certainly worth the time and investment to have him come in to lower future bills.
4) Lastly, an inspection can help you plan for the future. If you’re thinking about expanding, your plumbing may prevent it. It’s best to know well in advance so you don’t go through the trouble of planning a new addition to your home only to find out it will cost more because of these obstacles.
A plumbing inspection for your home is designed to head off disasters, help plan for better efficiency in your home’s maintenance, and to help you save money. Schedule an appointment for peace of mind.